Installing Skupper

Using the install script

On Linux or the Mac, you can use the install script to download and extract the command:

Linux or Mac
curl | sh

The script installs the command under your home directory. It prompts you to add the command to your path if necessary.

Installing manually

Download the latest release

Select the latest release for your platform:

To get artifacts for other operating systems and architectures, see the GitHub release page.

Extract the Skupper command

Use tar or unzip to extract the command from the release archive:

Linux or Mac
tar -xf skupper-cli-1.8.1-linux-amd64.tgz

This produces an executable file named skupper in your current directory.

Place the command on your path

Move the executable file to your preferred location and make it available on your path. For example, this is how you might install it in your home directory:

Linux or Mac
mkdir $HOME/bin
mv skupper $HOME/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin
mkdir %UserProfile%\bin
move skupper.exe %UserProfile%\bin
set PATH=%PATH%;%UserProfile%\bin

Check the command

To test your installation, run the skupper version command. You should see output like this:

$ skupper version
client version                 1.8.1
transport version              not-found (no configuration has been provided)
controller version             not-found (no configuration has been provided)

Upgrade sites

When you install a new version of the CLI, you can upgrade each site using the skupper update command. While we try to make Skupper compatible between sites with different versions, we recommend updating all sites at the same time. Updating can take some time. Wait a minute before running the skupper version command to validate your upgrade.

Do not use skupper update on sites created using the Skupper Operator. See Using the Skupper Operator on Kubernetes for more information about using the Operator.