skupper service bind

Bind a target to a service


Bind a target to a service

skupper service bind <service-name> <target-type> <target-name> [flags]


      --headless                        Bind through a headless service (valid only for a statefulset target)
  -h, --help                            help for bind
      --proxy-cpu string                CPU request for router pods
      --proxy-cpu-limit string          CPU limit for router pods
      --proxy-memory string             Memory request for router pods
      --proxy-memory-limit string       Memory limit for router pods
      --proxy-node-selector string      Node selector to control placement of router pods
      --proxy-pod-affinity string       Pod affinity label matches to control placement of router pods
      --proxy-pod-antiaffinity string   Pod antiaffinity label matches to control placement of router pods
      --publish-not-ready-addresses     If specified, skupper will not wait for pods to be ready
      --target-namespace string         Expose resources from a specific namespace
      --target-port strings             The port the target is listening on (you can also use colon to map source-port to a target-port).
      --tls-trust string                K8s secret name with the CA to expose the service over TLS

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --context string      The kubeconfig context to use
      --kubeconfig string   Path to the kubeconfig file to use
  -n, --namespace string    The Kubernetes namespace to use
      --platform string     The platform type to use [kubernetes, podman]